Greater Bay Airlines expresses congratulations on the launch of Pazhou-Hong Kong high-speed hydrofoil service

(4 May 2023) The high-speed hydrofoil service between the Pazhou Ferry Terminal in Guangzhou and SkyPier at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) commenced service today. Greater Bay Airlines (GBA) is in full support of the service and would like to express congratulations on its successful launch. Passengers of various airlines, including GBA, can now complete the immigration and baggage check-in procedures at the Pazhou Port in advance, and then travel by hydrofoil directly to SkyPier located in the restricted area of HKIA for boarding the flights for different destinations around the globe.

Mr Stanley Hui, Chief Executive Officer of GBA, said, the new arrangement will bring greater convenience to those international visitors of the Canton Fair as business travel between Hong Kong and Mainland China is rebounding. This will help promote the economic and trade activities between Guangzhou and Hong Kong, contributing to the development of the Greater Bay Area as well as the integration of Hong Kong into the national development. Hong Kong’s unique status as an international aviation hub will also be reinforced. All these are leveraged on the distinctive advantages of “enjoying strong support of the Motherland and being closely connected to the world” under the “One Country, Two Systems” principle.

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