Job Opportunities

中國招聘計劃: 空中乘務員(駐香港基地)




  • 履行飛行中的安全和安保任務
  • 確保乘客的安全和舒適
  • 提供優質的客戶體驗和滿意度
  • 監察、管理和保護客艙
  • 嚴格及執行所有飛行政策和法規


  • 年滿18周歲或以上
  • 本科畢業或以上學歷,專業不限
  • 踮足摸高可及 208厘米, 成功通過入職前相關醫學檢查
  • 具備流利的英語會話能力,有英語等級三級證書(CET-3) 或以上者優先
  • 粵語或普通話,能夠閱讀和書寫中文。具備多於一種亞洲語言能力者優先
  • 具備團隊合作精神,優秀的溝通和人際交往能力
  • 以人為本,具有優質的客戶服務理念
  • 有乘務員或酒店行業經驗者將優先考慮
  • 能夠在壓力下工作,展現靈活性和適應性


1. 有興趣的應聘者,請於2024年1月14日或之前於(Job Opportunities | Greater Bay Airlines ( 中國招聘計劃,空中乘務員(駐香港基地)提交申請。
3.選定嘅應聘者將獲透過電子郵件邀參加2024年2月喺深圳舉行嘅面試, 面試會喺一日內完成。


1. 部分評核以英語為主。
2. 本公司只使用官方電郵地址(與應徵者聯絡。




大灣區航空公司是次公開招聘,只接受個人應聘者於網上提交報名(Job Opportunities | Greater Bay Airlines (,任何團體或集體報名恕不受理;本公司只會使用官方電郵地址(與應聘者聯絡,並無委託任何機構、個人或第三方等代理。如有疑問,請與 聯絡。




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Can’t find your ideal position at GBA now? Why not join our Talent Connect by filling in the Registration Form here? By agreeing to share your profile with us you’ll receive information on future job opportunities. You are also welcome to submit us your application if you find a suitable opening on our website in future.

Personal Information Collection Statement

Please read the following:

  1. The personal data provided by you will be used by the Greater Bay Airlines Company Limited (the Company) to assess your suitability for the position you are applying for; to verify information provided by you; and, if successful, to facilitate the determination of your remuneration and benefits package.
  2. The completion of all items indicated on the employment application form is obligatory for the further processing of your application.
  3. Your personal data held by the Company will be kept strictly confidential; and will only be disclosed to the authorised persons within the Company for processing your application and/or may be transferred and disclosed to third party service providers including but not limited to the recruitment agencies to assist with the Company’s human resources functions.
  4. Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to request access to, and to request correction of, your personal data held by the Company. Such request should be made in writing and addressed to:  
    Personal Data Officer
    Human Resources Department
    Greater Bay Airlines Company Limited
    12/Floor, One Citygate, 20 Tat Tung Road,
    Tung Chung, Lantau,
    Hong Kong        
  5. The Company has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the costs related to your request for data access, as permitted under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
  6. If you have not been contacted by the Company within 8 weeks of the job posting date, you may consider your application unsuccessful. Your personal data will be kept for a period of 12 months from the job posting date, and will be destroyed thereafter.
  7. If you are invited to attend an interview or a test but are not further contacted by the Company within 8 weeks of your attendance of the interview or test, you may consider your application unsuccessful. Your application and test paper (if applicable) will be kept for 12 months from the date of the last interview or test attended by you, and will be destroyed thereafter.
  8. If your application for employment is successful, your personal data will be transferred to your personal file, to be used by the Company for employment purpose.