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Fuel surcharge is applied to Greater Bay Airlines' tickets for all flights as below:
Journey originating from Hong Kong SAR to below locations | Fuel Surcharge* Amount (Per Sector) | |
Until 31Jan25 | From 01Feb25 | |
Mainland China | HKD 165 | HKD 165 |
Japan, Taiwan China, Thailand, Philippines, Korea | HKD 265 | HKD 265 |
Journey originating from below locations to Hong Kong SAR | Fuel Surcharge* Amount (Per Sector) | |
Until 31Jan25 | From 01Feb25 | |
Mainland China | CNY 135 | CNY 135 |
Japan | JPY 6,000 | JPY 6,500 |
Taiwan China | TWD 1,121 | TWD 1,121 |
Thailand | THB 1,180 | THB 1,180 |
Philippines | PHP 386 | PHP 386 |
Korea | KRW 24,000 | KRW 24,800 |
Hong Kong SAR to/from below locations when Hong Kong SAR is a transit/stopover point | Fuel Surcharge* Amount (Per Sector) | |
Until 31Jan25 | From 01Feb25 | |
Mainland China | HKD 265 | HKD 165 |
Japan, Taiwan China, Thailand, Philippines, Korea | HKD 265 | HKD 265 |
* Fuel Surcharge
a. is applicable to all passengers, except for infants below 2 years old not occupying seat.
b. is applicable to all fares.
c. applies on a per sector and per passenger basis.
d. may be adjusted in accordance with fuel prices.
e. is not applicable on HB codeshare ferry/bus services to/from Hong Kong.